Dr. Jane Perry, Chiropractor

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What is the Activator Methods Technique®?

Activator Methods Technique® is a gentle, low-force program of chiropractic care. It has been safely used for over 35 years to benefit people with a wide range of health problems-without drugs or surgery!


We're Partners in Your Health Care Program.

Your health is our #1 concern!

That's why we're pleased to bring you the benefits of chiropractic care with the Activator Technique. As partners in your health care program, we're committed to your good health.


You may think that chiropractic care is only for back and neck pain. The truth is, chiropractic care can benefit a wide variety of health problems that stem from the dysfunction of your spinal joints and nervous system. Everyday wear and tear, old injuries, and even stress can cause your vertebrae to lose their proper motion or position. Spinal joint dysfunction may be a source of irritation t your nervous system, causing pain and nerve interference throughout your body.


By correcting spinal joint dysfunction, chiropractic care helps your body heal itself. Now you and your whole family can experience the Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique difference!

A Program of Chiropractic Care that's as Unique as You are!

Patients from all walks of life can enjoy the benefits of an Activator adjustment. The Activator Technique works well for children because it is quick and easy. Even young children who may have problems keeping still typically have no problems with Activator adjustments. Many even look forward to their next visit!


Elderly patients benefit from the Activator Technique as well. The unique Activator adjustment offers a more gentle and effective care approach for elderly patients who suffer from degeneration, arthritis, and osteoporosis. Enjoy the rewards of natural chiropractic care with the safe, comfortable and effective Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique.

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Copyright © 2003 Dr. Jane Perry, Chiropractor
Last modified: September 24, 2004