Your Nervous
System is the Key to Good Health
The Essence
of Life - The Cause of Health
Chiropractic science is based
on the fact that the essence of life itself flows from the brain, down
through the spinal cord, then out along a massive nerve network, in the
form of dynamic, intelligent impulses that literally create the body anew.
This powerful, intelligent life supply, flowing uninterrupted throughout
the nervous system, gives us normal, natural health.
Chiropractors have led the way
in pointing out that displacements of the vertebrae and discs in the spine
can pinch the spinal cord or spinal nerves and block or alter the flow of
this vital communication between the brain and the body. When a nerve is
pinched, this flow of nerve energy from the brain to the body is
restricted, and the cells, tissues, and organs suffer.1 |
The chiropractor is the
acknowledged specialist in detecting, locating, and correcting spinal
displacements that impinge, or pinch, the nerves that carry communications
essential to health and life from the brain to the organs of the body. |
Health Can be Yours
Nature wants you to be well.
The drugless, non-surgical, natural, chiropractic approach is the safe,
sane approach to better health.
Chiropractic science is based
on the principle that the key to vibrant health is the normal, unimpeded
function of the nerves and the nervous system.
Neglect of the spine, more than
any other single factor, is responsible for much of the world's sickness.
Abundant health is everyone's right. Your doctor of chiropractic is your
spine and nerve specialist.
Delay can make any condition
worse. Call today for an appointment to see if yours is a case for
chiropractic. |
1The Chiropractic Theories,
p. 53, Robert A. Leach, D.C., Mid South Scientific Publishers, 1980